This is the letter I wrote to my newsletter list today.
Hey beautiful,
Have you ever felt yourself searching intently for your next step and then found that once you slowed down enough to just listen, it was right in front of you?
That’s what I’ve been up to. Everything I shared a couple of weeks ago is still on my heart and in my plan. I will be starting a leadership book club sooner rather than later.
But right now it’s time to go deep with a few of you.
I looked at where my life has led me and what I’ve learned along the way. And everything came together for me last week.
It all fell apart first because I almost launched the wrong thing.
But then I recognized the opportunity of this moment, and realized the right thing for us in this season, and that it will totally transform your life.
So I just found my full life mission, I lived through the turning point last week that my entire life has been leading up to. And what came out of that epiphany is this invitation I’m making to you today.
I’m looking for a handful of female business owners to work with me as their marketing coach.
If you are well educated in a field related to women’s health, and you’ve created your own service based business around healing women emotionally, physically or mentally, I’d like to invite you to consider working with me for the next 3 months.
I believe this is right for you, if:
If you love what you do with your clients, but don’t love looking for new clients…
If you know your expertise at a high level, but don’t know as much about marketing…
If you’ve made yourself small in order to feel accepted or fit into your world, but dream of making a bigger impact…
If you’ve done 1-on-1 work and you’re ready to be more creative with what you offer…
If you’re tired of being in a box, and feeling the urge to break out, to think bigger, to take yourself and your business a place you’ve never been…
If you’re tired of writing content, of learning marketing on your own, of searching for the right tactic that will unlock everything…
If you feel greatness calling to you…
If you value your family, your kids, your marriage and feel tension between your love for the and your desire to impact the world with your healing gift…
If you’ve gone to seminars and read books and taken courses, and you sense the opportunity but aren’t sure the next step in pursuing it…
I’ve been there. I know exactly how you feel. And everything in my journey has brought me here to this moment, to you, to make this offer and give you the opportunity.
An opportunity to find peace and joy in the process of getting yourself visible online.
An opportunity to free yourself to expand, to grow, to dream, to SHINE.
An opportunity to scale your impact and begin to grow beyond pure 1-on-1 work.
An opportunity to get customized, ongoing support with every detail of your marketing.
An opportunity to pursue personal and business growth while maintaining balance, joy and love with your family.
This is an invitation to a journey on which you will become more authentically YOU, and grow your business in the process.
We’ll work closely together on a weekly basis for 3 months, and accomplish more in your marketing than you have in the past year.
Because that is the power of coaching, and of combining our strengths.
Because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
When you and I work closely together, consistently, with aligned purpose, mission and passion, magical things will happen.
Your life will never be the same.
If you’re ready for this, schedule a call today:
I believe in you, and your dreams are my dreams.
To your success,