I applaud you. I salute you. I adore you. My heart beats as one with you. Don’t ever stop, just keep going.
Your mission is sacred.
You have divine assistance ever ready to support you when needed. All you have to do is ask.
I prayed for years to join you. And now I am one of you. It’s been several months now. I just got my second ever homeschooling approval letter in the mail. It’s official; we’re set to homeschool for our first full school year starting this fall.

It’s interesting to have all the kids all summer knowing that there is no ‘relief’ in the fall, there is no break, no end, this is the new normal. Me. The kids. Doing life together.
And yet no relief was greater than getting that letter in the mail after sending in my letter of intent and our test scores as required by the state.
And yet it’s intense. There is always someone talking to me, touching me, interrupting me, questioning me. Someone is always eating, or pooping, or arguing, or talking.
Some days it is just intense and real, and I make it through. But some days it’s just heavenly and those are becoming more and more frequent. We’re learning how to get along, how to do life together. We’re finding routines, co-creating our days, our schedules, our outings, even our menu.
And then the fear returns. They are fun and wonderful and getting along, yes. But they take so much time, when will I ever work?
When will I write, when will I record videos, will they ever all sleep consistently on the same schedule? Please?
But then I remember to choose faith, to choose love, to choose hope, to believe in mission, purpose and alignment.
What has God put on your heart, for your children, for yourself?
I believe you can find alignment there, and a sense of peace and joy, that will give you a sense of purpose and alignment. And which in turn will give you an acceptance and ownership of your life. And that will revolutionize your use of your energy and your relationship with time.
Which in turn changes – everything.
Dear homeschooling mom, don’t ever give up. Yours is a sacred, holy mission, a beautiful task. Know this, you have everything you need to succeed, and whatever God has put on your heart in addition, a way will be made for you to do all that truly matters, all that you are meant to do and be, you will be given divine capacity for the task.
I have friends who work and homeschool. Knowing them bolsters my faith, as I hope to now lift yours.
You have the time and energy and creativity for everything you wish to do. Learn to listen to yourself, so you know what that truly is. Then really listen to your kids so you know what matters to each of them, and what really doesn’t.
Find what is true for you and your family. It doesn’t matter what other families juggle. What is important to you, to your husband, to the kids?
What are you doing just because?
Figure it out and stop doing it, and give yourself permission to find more time for the stuff that makes your heart sing, and then give yourself permission to make money doing it, if you want.
Your mission is sacred, God is your ally, and I am your biggest fan.
You’ve got this, momma, you’ve so got this.
With all my love,