When you think about the important elements that would provide a foundation for a successful life, physical health and fitness is pretty close to the top. As moms we have the crazy privilege of sacrificing regular fitness for the joy of bringing children into the world. And then we sacrifice sleep for taking care of babies, and basic mental and physical self-care for the constant demands of young children. Part of this is a season, and part of it needs to be lessened by support from others and readjustment of expectations and priorities.
As moms we need to each find the right balance of maternal sacrifice and personal self-care. This looks different for each of us, but it should shift consistently as our children get older.
For me, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel as far as the season of babies, toddlers, high chairs, and diapers. As I look ahead to the next season and consider what is important to my family, I realize it is time for me to make weight loss a priority, or it will hinder me and my family going forward.
I’ve dieted and lost my baby weight twice before, but that doesn’t make it easy. As a researcher and book enthusiast, I’ve read quite a few books in the past few years. While I found several of them helpful, and followed several different diets to keep it interesting, my favorite author looking back now is Michael Pollan. And his approach is really not a diet. He organized his book In Defense of Food around three simple phrases: Eat (real) food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
I’m using those three phrases as my guidelines and inspirations for my final baby weight-loss journey which currently means losing about 27 lbs. My focus will be on getting better at eating and cooking plants, both for weight loss and also for long term health. I’ll be chronicling my progress and my recipe successes and failures here.