Add beauty to your life. Really.
Look around you and find sources of beauty; think about what is beautiful to you. Look for ways to add beauty into your daily and weekly routines.
In a house with five guys I try to be respectful of their preferences – no pink walls or purple bedspreads.
So I have purple towels, pretty dresses, a purple glass flower on my desk, and big ceramic flowers on my office wall. My master bathroom wall is a beautiful blue that highlights a framed photo of the ocean that hangs next to the mirror.

I use pretty and fun mugs to drink my tea – even though my husband bought me a wonderful green stainless steel mug that keeps it the perfect temperature. I used it exclusively for awhile, but I missed my happy polka dots and pictures of my kids on my favorite ceramic mugs. So when I’m drinking tea because I need a moment for myself, I pull out a mug that is beautiful to me, and if I get interrupted by kids and it gets cold, I put it in the microwave and heat it back up!
The message beauty gives us is that all will be well. Beauty invites, nourishes, comforts, and inspires. Something in it is transcendent.

Our souls are nourished by beauty. As women we offer beauty to the world and we need to receive beauty from the world.
Beauty matters.
So when the flowers come out this month take a walk and enjoy them. Wear clothes that make you feel pretty.
When you do spring cleaning, keep items that are functional, but also keep a few things just because you find them beautiful.
Don’t be apologetic about valuing beauty. Beauty matters. You matter.

If you’re working on identifying your personal or family’s core values, I would propose that beauty is one we all have in common as women. But that will look differently for each of us, and that uniqueness is beautiful too.
For me writing is beauty and therapy. Just writing this post lifted my spirits. I hope reading it does as much for you.
For more about women and beauty, I highly recommend the book Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul by John and Stasi Eldredge. This is an affiliate link. Learn more here.