Hey there,
What would you do if you let yourself blast off through all of your self imposed limitations? What would you dream about doing?
What current trends are you following that you need to let go of, so you can be more creatively and successfully YOU in 2019?
This is what I’m asking myself this morning as I’m meditating and journaling and trying to decide what to write to you all today.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how to make a big change, how to become a different person, how to be who I’ve never been, how to do what I’ve never done. And how to coach my clients through this journey of personal and professional development as well.
I’m convinced a huge part of it is listening to the right voices, including largely your own.
Why is this so hard? I think we’ve been taught to distrust our own voice. We’re told to listen to external rules and formulas, we’ve been tricked into believing this is the best route to success.
But I’ve decided it’s time for you and I to break that mold. I want to challenge you to rediscover your creativity. Learn about your field, and about marketing, but then put the pieces together in a way that is unique to you.
Customized content and marketing strategy is one of my favorite parts of working with clients. Because the key to your success is going to be finding a way put your personality into your business, adapting current tools and methods to your goals, and giving yourself permission to do what fits you.
This could mean starting with a paid Facebook group instead of a free one, or following your creativity with the structure of your online course, or writing the content that is on your heart even if other people are talking about the same topic.
I believe the key to your success in 2019 is giving yourself the freedom to explore your full creative expression, and applying it in your business, and that the only person stopping you from doing that is YOU.
Here are 5 ways to work on this:
1. Challenge the marketing strategies you are currently implementing, and ask yourself if they are truly serving you. Do you like them? Do you feel good about them?
2. Look for ways to put more of your personality into your marketing and content strategy. We want to see and feel YOU in your business.
3. Journal about your really big dreams and be honest with yourself. Go deep for a bit and ask yourself: what would you get really excited about if you thought it was possible? (ie. change your business model, free up time for speaking, spend more time in your biz, retire your husband, etc.)
4. Consider your ideal client and ask yourself what you most love to do, that could truly change their life. How could you help them double their business, or take a big leap professionally? Get creative with this.
5. Repeat and meditate on this statement daily: “I expand in abundance, success, and love every day, as I inspire those around me to do the same.” If this prompts negative back-talk in your head, write down those thoughts, break them down and challenge them.
I believe in you,
Alicia Eichmann
Success Coach for Small Biz Owners
P.S. If you’d like to work with me to tap your true creative expression, and apply it in practical ways in your business, consider working with me as your coach.