What if your soul knows why you’re here?
What if it chose this life, these circumstances?
What if you have your destiny imprinted on you when you come into this life?
Scientists have found energy fields around all living things, that hold the blueprint for their adult form, they embody the potentiality of what they will become.
What if your soul made agreements before it came into this life?
What if forgetting is part of the process, so that in rediscovering it you might take a beautiful journey of growth and healing, what if your soul came to this life and this time for a certain purpose?
What if you could accept your entire life as if you had chosen it?
What if you could accept the mystery, and embrace the parts that you don’t understand?
What if you could stop judging your story, and everyone else’s?
What if you chose to believe and accept that every part of your past has had meaning and purpose?
What if we suspend judgment, and ask for enlightenment?
What if we dare to expand our perspective, to allow spirit to show us the bigger picture?
What if you are a beautiful, eternal knowing soul?
What if your magnificent, loving soul knows why you are here?
What if our true spiritual nature is what the enlightened masters and spiritual teachers have been trying to tell us?
What if the religious traditions have mistakenly transmitted a tainted message?
What if the good news is so much better than we ever knew?
What if God is bigger than we thought?
What if God is not out there somewhere judging and measuring us, but is here and there and in me and in you, and in everything, loving and creatively sustaining all of it?
What if God is the Source Energy that created everything and sustains everything, and that makes up the very fabric of the universe, including our very being?
What if all of creation is made of energy, all of those energetic beings are connected on an energetic level?
What if your soul existed before you were born and will go on living after your body dies?
What if your soul chose for you to live here, now, where you are, to heal and be healed, to experience certain experiences, to learn certain things, to contribute to the growth and healing of humanity in certain ways?
What if your inner wisdom is so much more beautiful and wise than you ever knew?
What if life is about so much more than following the rules and going to the right place when you die?
What if living in heaven or hell is a daily choice we make and a daily reality that we choose to live out?
What if these ideas are stirring hope in you?
What if it’s true?
What if you are pure energy?
What if you’re here for an intelligent, definite purpose?
What if you’re on a mission of light and love?
What if we’ve misunderstood Jesus?
What if we can find a new way to be spiritual?
What if all the spiritual teachers and founders of religion all started out saying the same thing?
It’s all way more simple and complex than we thought. It’s full of hope and joy and peace, and an actual path forward.
It’s a reason to get up every morning, it’s the motivation to show up for your loved ones, to follow a lighter path, to spread love, compassion, empathy.
It’s time to feel our connection to each other. It’s time to acknowledge our common bond, our same nature.
It’s time for you to listen to the call of our soul, your inner mind, your true self.
Within you, our cultural conditioning has created a false self fed by fear and run by reason and a glorification of rational thought.
What if this false self is the source of sin and suffering?
What if that is what the sinful nature means?
What if we can truly live a spirit filled life, what if we can be transformed by the renewing of our mind?
What if we can stop searching and find the key right here, inside of us?
It’s in your heart, in your soul.
Your soul holds the key. You’ve already received the divine download.
It’s been there since you were born, waiting for you to awaken to it, waiting patiently for it to be your time.
What it’s your time,
to awaken,
to a new reality,
in which everything is spiritual,
everything you do matters,
You hold the key to your own empowerment,
and it starts by quieting your mind
and listening to your heart,
because it knows,
it conspires with your soul,
to free you from the false self.
What if your soul knows why you’re here?
Inspiration for this poem drew partly from The Seat of the Soul, by Gary Zukav, and A Soul’s Code, by James Hillman.
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